Bell Project.
Moorebank, NSW.
In January 2020, Integral Surveys were engaged by Georgiou Group to manage and resource all Survey requirements for the Bell Project, which is the latest stage of the Moorebank Logistics Park.
This $80M package of the project involves:
Quantifying, tracking and reporting for approx. 3.5 Million tonnes of imported fill.
Bulk Earthworks, drainage and hardstand areas.
Warehousing and commercial building pads.
Underground utilities.
A 2.4 km Ring Road to Transport For NSW specifications.

Bell Project.
Moorebank, NSW.
Metropoltian Coal Subsidence Monitoring. Helensburgh, NSW.
Integral Surveys have been working with Peabody Energy to monitor, record, and report on subsidence in the area at ground surface level.
The task involves:
Establishing fixed control co-ordinates each week using static GNSS data logging.
Traversing and measuring to over 150 monitoring points over a 5km length.
GNSS / GPS Post processing, using a network adjustment to compute accurate static GNSS results.
Full least squares adjustment of the traverse and intermediate radiations.
Data analysis and reporting of subsidence within 48 hours of data capture.

Metropoltian Coal Subsidence Monitoring.
Helensburgh, NSW.
Berry to Bomaderry Upgrade.
South Coast, NSW
Integral Surveys have been working with a the Downer / Seymour Whyte JV since 2018 to construct the Berry to Bomaderry Upgrade.
The $450M project is comprised of:
10.5km of four lane divided highway.
Eight bridges over waterways.
Two new overpasses at Strongs Road and Pestells Lane.
A new underpass at Devitts lane and Morchels Lane for local road access.
Widened shoulders and regular vehicle breakdown bays.
A 300m long, 10m deep cutting along Strongs Road.

Berry to Bomaderry Upgrade.
South Coast, NSW
Albion Park Rail Bypass.
Albion Park Rail, NSW
Integral Surveys have been working with Fulton Hogan since 2018 to design and construct the Albion Park Rail Bypass.
The $630M project is comprised of:
A 9.8km bypass around Albion Park Rail.
Two tie-ins to existing at Dapto and Oak Flats.
Two new interchanges at the Illawarra Highway and at Tongarra Road.
13 Bridges and associated structures such as safety screens and retaining walls.
Earthworks including embankments in the floodplains, and two cuttings.
The project is scheduled for completion in 2022.

Albion Park Rail Bypass.
Albion Park Rail, NSW
Tuggerah to Doyalson - M1 Pacific Motorway Upgrades.
Central Coast, NSW
Integral Surveys are working with CPB Contractors to deliver the Tuggerah to Doyalson project.
The project involves:
Widening a 12km section of the M1 Motorway to provide three lanes in each direction between Wyong Road, Tuggerah and Doyalson Road.
Over 200,000 tonne of existing pavement crushed and recycled.
Removal and replacement of a nine kilometre section of existing Motorway.
Improving road drainage.
Bridge widening at Sparks Road overpass.
Construction of a new bridge on the Doyalson Road off ramp.
Interchange upgrades at Sparks Road, Warnervale and Doyalson.
The Integral team have been working with CPB on this project since late 2018, and construction is scheduled to finish in 2020.

Tuggerah to Doyalson - M1 Pacific Motorway Upgrades.
Central Coast, NSW
M1 Weakleys Drive Intersection Upgrade.
Beresfield, NSW
Integral Surveys worked with Georgiou Group to manage the survey component of the M1WD project.
The project involved replacing the existing roundabout with traffic lights, managing and installing underground utilitites to SUI spec, widening to accommodate two through lanes on all approaches, additional turning lanes on all approaches, extending two northbound lanes on Weakleys Drive, upgrade and duplication of slip lane onto M1 motorway.
Integral Surveys team delivered over 6,000 man hours without incident, and saw the project through from start to finish in a safe and timely manner.

M1 Weakleys Drive Intersection Upgrade - M1 Pacific Motorway Upgrades.
Beresfield, NSW
Moorebank Logistics Park.
Moorebank, NSW
Integral Surveys worked with Fulton Hogan to deliver the Moorebank Logistics Park (MLP) from 2017 to 2019.
MLP is the largest intermodal freight precinct in Australia (over 243 hectares), and once fully operational, will handle up to 1.5M freight containers per year.
The project also involves over 850,000 m² of warehousing.
Integral surveys was on the ground from inception to provide surveying services across all aspects of construction activities.

Moorebank Logistics Park.
Moorebank, NSW
Foxground to Berry Bypass (FBB), NSW.
Integral Surveys worked with Fulton Hogan to aid construction of the Foxground Berry Bypass in 2017.
The project involved 12.5 km of new highway to bypass the township of Berry, a 25m deep cutting at Toolijooa ridge with six lanes passing through, as well as three bridges and a new roundabout.
By joining the project mid-construction, Integral surveys were able to provide surveying expertise towards the bulk earthworks, pavements and road furniture components of the project.

Foxground to Berry Bypass (FBB), NSW.
Caval Ridge Project.
Moranbah, QLD
Our team provided survey resources on a FIFO basis to assist construction of the Caval Ridge Mine Expansion in Moranbah, QLD for Whittens in 2017 - 2018.
The scope of work included eight transfer stations, 10 drive stations, 12 conveyors spanning over 14 kilometres, associated substations, switch rooms and four kilometres of stacker / reclaimer rail beam.
Integral Surveys team was responsible for installing and maintaining a control network along the 14km of conveyors, set-out for concrete and anchor bolts, work as executed surveys, scanning & monitoring of RE walls , QA reporting and other associated construction surveys.

Caval Ridge Project.
Moranbah, QLD
Kooragang Island Waste Emplacement Facility (KIWEF) - Stage 4
In 2016-2017 Integral Surveys delivered the survey component of the Kooragang Island Waste Emplacement Facility (KIWEF) - Stage 4.
This was a bulk earthworks and remediation project which resulted in:
A capping layer of over 130,000m² to ensure no leaching of rainwater into the contaminated landfill below.
Approximately 3km of access track.
Over 2km of lined swale drains
32,000 cubic metres of topsoil strip and stockpiling.
Over 53,000 cubic metres of bulk cut & fill earthworks.
Import fill of over 15,000 cubic metres
3 x LDPE lined sediment basins totalling over 3,000m² to catch rainfall runoff and sediment prior to release.
1% Minimum grade at any point on site to prevent ponding and leaching.
Highly sensitive ecological management ensured local flora and fauna was not disturbeed during construction.
Native re-seeding to re-vegetate the area and prevent erosion.
The Integral Surveys team provided our services to:
Track, record and quantify earthworks movements for progress payments.
Record location of contaminated zones and prepare relevant reports.
Set out and conform capping layer to ensure quality requirements were met.
Construction set-out for roads, drainage, retention basins, structures etc.
Works as executed survey and drafting of final WAE plans.

Kooragang Island Waste Emplacement Facility (KIWEF) - Stage 4
Williamtown RAAF Base Upgrade.
Williamtown, NSW.
In 2016-2017 our team was engaged to aid the construction of the $1.5 billion dollar Williamtown RAAF base upgrade.
The project consisted of two main packages comprising both upgrades to existing base infrastructure (offices, workshops, roads, drainage and utilities) and to make provision to house 56 of Australia's 72 new 'fifth generation' stealth Joint Strike Fighters.
While on site Integral was involved in the construction of:
Pre-Cast Concrete Acoustic Walls
Runway and Taxi-Way Paving and Surfacing
Storm-Water Drainage Systems
Mechanically Stabilised Earth (MSE) Walls
Working with the Lendlease survey management team, Integral Surveys also delivered Work As Executed data in GFIS format as per the Defence Force standards, as well as managing design and conformance data as required.

Williamtown RAAF Base Upgrade.
Williamtown, NSW.
Maitland Overpass, New England Hwy.
Our team provided survey resources to assist construction of the Maitland Overpass Bridge for Seymour Whyte in 2016.
The 430m long multi span bridge connects the New England Highway by over-passing the existing Church Street roundabout. The overpass was part of a $45M Maitland roundabouts upgrade.
Integral assisted the clients team and had involvement in the survey set-out and QA reporting for the bridge deck, parapets, asphalt and railings.